Contact Us
Get in touch for a free consultation!
The Clinics:
The Lansdown Clinic, 1 Lansdown Road, Bath, BA1 5EE
The Broad Street Wellbeing Centre, Suite 1, 51 Broad Street, Bristol, BS1 2EP
The Practice Rooms, 24 Regent Street, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4HG
The Lansdown Clinic offers FREE PARKING for clients. The Lansdown Clinic parking is on Camden Row where the Brewery is.
The nearest car park to The Broad Street Wellbeing Centre is Mecure Bristol Grand Car Park or there are various other larger Car Parks, such as Trenchard Street Car Park, in walking distance.
There is nearby street parking for The Practice Rooms in Clifton Village.
If any of the total contra-indications below occur you must cancel your appointment and postpone until symptoms have subsided. There is a 24 hour cancellation policy and a 50% treatment charge if notice under 24 hours before the scheduled appointment.​
Covid-19 symptoms
Under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs
Contagious or infectious diseases
Diarrhoea & vomiting
Skin diseases
Undiagnosed lumps or bumps
Localised Swelling
You can find your way to The Lansdown Clinic below.