Bath Yoga Therapy Classes, & Bristol Yoga Therapy Classes
1 hr 30 min
95 British pounds1 hr
65 British pounds6 hr
390 British pounds12 hr
780 British pounds
Yoga Therapy Classes Bath, & Yoga Therapy Classes Bristol
"Good alignment = Good therapy"
A thorough assessment pinpoints areas of pain and misalignment in the body, focusing on specific regions like the Upper Back or Hips, or conducting a Full Body Assessment for overall posture correction and pain relief.
Yoga Therapy sessions offer relief from discomfort or pain through postural correction and biomechanical alignment, including modified asanas for injuries, pain, or limitations, and preparation for or recovery from surgery.
Yoga Therapy is not exclusively restorative but can be dynamic and strengthening, emphasising anatomy and alignment. Each sequence is customised based on interviews, assessments, and alignment needs, evolving over time.
Sessions typically last one hour or longer, with an initial session lasting ninety minutes.
Yoga Therapy classes offer flexibility; after learning theory and postures for alignment healing, practitioners can integrate them into their routine. They can return for further sessions if they experience pain or tension in other areas in the future.
To discuss anything further with the teacher go here.
Benefits of Yoga Therapy Classes
Find out where you are misaligned across the body or on the specific body part in pain or injured, so that you can focus on posture correction and realignment
Relieves your specific pain and tension long-term
Is bio-mechanically informed to improve your posture and alignment
Strengthens specific areas of the body
Stretches specific areas of the body
Releases tight myofascia (muscle connective tissue) for greater mobility in joints and muscles
A personalised plan of action that will not take forever for recovery
Relieves stress and depression
Relieves PTSD
Helps with schizophrenia
Relieves pain in the body, such as back pain
Improves muscular skeletal problems
Helps with arthritis
Helps with osteoporosis
Enhances positive emotions
Improves overall well-being
Improves confidence and self esteem
Improves fitness levels
Improves circulation
Enhances internal organ function