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Myofascial Release Bath, & Myofascial Release Bristol


Bath Myofascial Release, & Bristol Myofascial Release



Myofascial Release is a specialised treatment that releases restrictions within the fascial network (connective tissue), enabling stuck, hardened and dehydrated areas to become pliable, soft, mobile and hydrated. Palpation skills are used to assess the structure and function of the body, allowing the therapist to determine which techniques to use.


Myofascial Release is a hands-on, manual therapy focusing on soft tissue dysfunction, pain tension and holding patterns. It is a treatment that involves gentle sustained pressure. The time element within this therapy is vital as fascia cannot be forced as it has a quality known as "Thixotropy" where force is met by a returned force or resistance. Thixotropy is the property of certain gels or fluids that are thick (viscous) under normal conditions, but flow becomes less viscous or thin over time when shaken, agitated, or otherwise stressed. So the pressure applied has to be gentle and sustained for at least 2 to 3 minutes to allow the fascia to elongate and restore to a healthy position. Techniques such as grounding, cross hand stretching, skin rolling, and sacral release are used among others.


Myofascia is derived from Greek words and means muscle band or muscle fascia. Fascia is like a three-dimensional body stocking that weaves its way throughout the body surrounding and supporting all muscles, organs and bones of the body, down to cellular level. It is a fibrous network of collagen and elastin fibres surrounded by fluid called ground substance. This ground substance works as a shock absorber. Fascia is entwined throughout the body and runs without interruption from head to toe like a spider's web, penetrating every muscle, bone, artery, vein, nerve and internal organ. It is a continuous form.


If your posture remains the same for any length of time, the fascia will bind and lay down more collagen. However, if you are moving regularly, then the collagen will take up more elastin, therefore becoming more flexible. This is why Myofascial Release is used; to make the fascia more flexible so you have better movement and mobility and less tension and stiffness.


Fascia, in its normal healthy state is relaxed and wavy in its configuration and has the ability to stretch and move. However, if the body experiences any kind of trauma, either through postural poor habits, surgery, a car accident, a fall, a physical or emotional trauma, inflammation or scarring, then the fascia will lose its pliability and can become hard, dehydrated and stuck. It responds to stress occurring in an area of the body by laying down extra fibres, creating thickening and adhesions both through and between muscles. This in turn leads to restrictions, limitations of movement and poor tissue health.

Benefits of Myofascial Release Technique


  • Deeply relaxing

  • Client will feel "freer" and "lighter"

  • Increases energy

  • Increases breathing capacity

  • Restores muscle function

  • Restores postural alignment

  • Relieves physical strain

  • Relieves emotional strain

  • Helps balance the body

  • Promotes self healing

  • Increases the body's own restorative powers

  • Improves circulation

  • Improves nervous system transmission

  • Grounding therapy

  • Increase flexibility and mobility

  • Relieves tension

  • Prepares body for Deep Tissue Massage techniques

Myofascial Release Technique
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